About Last Minute Fair

WHAT IS / Last Minute Fair 2021 

GMT Fairs is a company that aims to bring an innovative approach to tourism fairs with a new vision in Antalya, the heart of Turkish tourism within the body of GM Center. Gm Center is a group of companies whose focus is tourism, together with GMT Fuarcılık, GM Tourism and Management Magazine, Gmedya Advertising Agency, GM Hotels and Gmood Travel.

GM Tourism and Management Magazine, which has been published monthly for 16 years, is the most important tourism and management magazine of the Turkish tourism sector with the QM Awards it has organized for 10 years.

GMT Fuarcılık aims to increase and consolidate the communication of tourism professionals, investors and new entrepreneurs with our country by presenting Turkey tourism products to world tourism with Last Minute Fair.


Last Minute Fair 2020 / WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES?


With Last Minute Fair, you can strengthen your relations, establish new partnerships and find the opportunity to cooperate with the professionals of tourism agencies, tour operators, accommodation facilities and service providers that are components of the tourism industry, with different markets and expertise in Antalya.

You can offer the services of your businesses and regions, start the new season with a fresh vision and increase your customer potential by strongly highlighting your brand awareness.

You can reach more than 1000 agencies from Turkey’s most important accommodation facilities and target markets, as well as the dynamics of the domestic market, and have the opportunity to establish communication and cooperation.

In this fiction, a fair is the first in the world. Turnkey stands are provided for exhibitors. In this way, you can promote your brand in the best way by concentrating only on your business and your visitors.

You will see more foreign travel agencies and professional business solution partners than you have ever seen in a Turkish salon to generate IDEAS.



Last Minute Fair B2B Agency Communication Application

With the application that will be available before Lastminute date, you will be able to contact the visitor professional agencies 24/7, make your appointments and contact them. You will be able to do this with instant translation in 4 languages and with one-to-one and collective communication. We guarantee that we will break new ground with our application. Again, with this application, which will be a service that only belongs to GMT Fuarcılık, you will not be able to contact the agencies that come with our organization.


Virtual Fair Service

As Lastminute, we are also launching our Virtual Fair service in 360 degrees reality. With this service, we will create channels where you can instantly communicate with your sales and marketing departments for sales and marketing for the end consumer, human resources for your personnel searches, and sales and marketing departments for purchasing. Thus, we have established the platform for Lastminute to respond to all your essential needs. Again, this service is the first and only.


Last Minute Fair 2020 / WHAT OBJECTIVES?


Last Minute Fair will open its doors in April with its topics, speakers and meetings within the framework of the most up-to-date determinations regarding 2021.

With more than 2000 foreign tourism professionals from 15 countries, a total of 8000 professional visitors, its online technologies and application, Antalya Last Minute Fair has changed its strategy for ‘Last Minute’ sales in order to be more efficient with its organization that will be much more assertive, and it will spend its days in March-April at the national level. and aims to explain as soon as possible according to the international calendar.


Lastminute Fair also;

It aims to increase the economic efficiency of the accommodation and travel industry, to offer new opportunities for service and product providers to work, to encourage travel manufacturers and travelers to vacation in Turkey, and to develop programs that will help the industry better prepare for the future.

It is the backbone of our mission to bring together the professional stakeholders of the Tourism Industry and to support the tourism industry in order to develop businesses with sustainability at their heart and to provide a secure livelihood for our people.